I will use this blog to post information beyond the technical stuff, but that is also related to mobile and/or entrepreneurship world. That said, last weekend I saw a movie that I would like to suggest you to see if you wonder how is to be an indie game developer (Indie means Independent). The movie called Indie Game is a documentary about the independent game developers and shows the development of 3 famous indie games (Braid, Super Meat Boy and Fez) and also talks about others. If you think that creating games is always fun and easy, I can guarantee that you will change your mind after seeing that movie.
Creating a game is the same as creating a program: you need to develop an algorithm and compile it for a specific plataform.
Algorithm is like a cake receipt. In a cake receipt you have a list of instructions that you need to perform in order to create a cake. An algorithm is a list of instructions that the computer need to peform in order to achieve a goal. The nivel of detail of algorithm can vary a lot. You may write it using human language (as English) or write it using computer language (like VB, C++, Java,...). The algorithm in computer language is also called "code". To illustrate that, let's see an example of an algorithm of a function that calculates the average of two numbers. Algorithm using human language:
Algorithm using computer language (VB): Function CaculateAverage ( number1 as Double, number2 as Double) sum = number1 + number2 average = sum / 2 CaculateAverage = average End function Even if you do not know VB, when comparing the two algorithm, you see some similarity, don't you? After writing the (computer language) algorithm in the computer, you need to compile it. After that your program will be ready to use. With that said, let's return to our game industry. When you write a game (or a program) with focus in a specific smartphone, first you need to discover the operating system that it runs. The two dominant mobile operating systems are:
Each of these operating system requires that you write your code in a specific computer language, that are:
So, if you like to have your game running on the two most important mobile systems, you will have to write two different (computer language) algorithms. That's why sometimes you find a specific new game (or app) only available for iPhone or Android. The developers prefer to wait if the game will get some traction in one system before dedicating effort to create the same game for the other system. Of course, the development of the second algorithm should take less time than the first, after all, you already have the human language algorithm developed. Before you get upset with the need of having double work, on my next post I will write about the "Development platforms" and you will see that you can bypass these rework using one of them. See you. Hello!
Welcome to my blog. In this blog I will write about my adventure of creating a mobile game company. Don't get it wrong by the word adventure. The company is real and serious, and I define it as an adventure because I believe that I would face the joy and the difficult of a real adventure. As I said, I will be covering all the aspects of creating mobile game company (game design, plataforms,...) and I hope that you find this blog to be a great resource not only about the game industry but also about entrepreneurship. With that said, let's begin! |
AuthorThis blog it not updated anymore. Archives
February 2015